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Archive for July, 2010


So, if you’re reading this, you probably already know how much I hated Avatar The Last Airbender. The movie, I mean. The show, on the other hand , is the absolute most amazing thing ever. Which is why I am proud to announce that the creators of the T.V. show are making an Avatar spin-off, Legend of Korra,  with a new avatar: A girl named Korra. It takes place about 70 years after Aang was the avatar. Get this: she needs to learn to master Air. Aang’s son is her tutor!! The producers say the show will be more mature, but will still have the same sense of fun and adventure.  If you want to read the actual article, here’s the link: http://blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/2010/07/21/legend-of-korra-the-creators-of-avatar-the-last-airbender-on-the-new-spinoff/

I am so excited! But I don’t have cable…

New Hot man!

Well, I don’t think I’ve seen Joseph Gordon- Levitt before Inception. And he is super, super hot!! Like, man! Seriously! Hanna likes Tom Hardy. I mean, he’s hot, but come on! Have you seen his face?

I LOVE this *french* guy!!